New York Loves Green Bronx Machine

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Stephen Ritz, Founder, Green Bronx Machine: It’s awesome that so many of you are here, so thank you. Come on in.

Dr. Charles Platkin, Executive Director, NYC Food Policy Center: I would love to see the Green Bronx Machine in every single school in the United States and around the world.

Dr. Betty A Rosa, NYS Commissioner of Education: This is a program that was started in the Bronx, and the excitement is looking at the issue of healthy children in the Bronx. In terms of nutrition, but also children, that we want them to understand the
science of nutrition and also the importance of learning by doing. So Green Bronx Machine really provides many opportunities for our communities and our children.

Dr. Charles Platkin: And we’ve shown time and time again in the research
that touching, feeling, tasting, activity, mind and heart together really has an impact.

Dr. Betty A. Rosa: They address the issue of health and wellness in terms of nutrition. Encouraging the sciences, encouraging the reading and writing, and the excitement of learning for our students.

Dr. Charles Platkin: Connecting food to kids at the earliest of ages, we’ve done research around this, is so critical. And that early connection helps them to have a different relationship with food that you just can’t, you know, push or teach. It has to be hands-on learning.

Josephine Finn, Vice Chancellor, NYS Board of Regents: And we have the Bronx showing the way – a city showing us the way.

Dr. Betty A. Rosa: We’re going to be developing an extensive plan, which is specific to some of the work, and how do we share some of the learning from this particular project.

Stephen Ritz: It’s about teachers changing lives because when you give teachers the support you need and a little autonomy, now, more than ever, amazing things happen.

Dr. Charles Platkin: We’d like to see the Green Bronx Machine grow and then expand those programs to, you know, public housing and other centers, senior centers where everybody can take advantage of the connection that food has to the mind, heart and soul.

Dr. Donald James, Executive Director, Center for Integrated Training and Education (CITE): And Steve’s done a great job with this, I mean, I can’t say enough. He’s done things I couldn’t even conceptualize. At this point, how can we support the work? Steve was able to bring the Green Bronx Machine into the Bronx, find a space, find what was originally a niche, which is now growing. The way he engages students, the way he engages parents, the way he engages leadership. I mean, he’s got leadership statewide here from the city to the chancellors office to the commissioner’s office to the mayor. But it’s the actual project, right? It’s the work. It’s the Green Bronx Machine work. It’s a project that covers multiple curriculums. So it addresses multiple issues. I also think it’s going to be great for teachers.

Josephine Finn: So thank you very much for this project. I think it’s just tantalizing. I really do, and I know we’re going to do wonderful things together.

One student at a time, one classroom at a time, one school at a time. Visit

Green Bronx Machine builds healthy, equitable, and resilient communities through inspired education, local food systems, and 21st Century workforce development. Dedicated to cultivating minds and harvesting hope, our school-based model using urban agriculture aligned to key school performance indicators grows healthy students and healthy schools to transform communities that are fragmented and marginalized into neighborhoods that are inclusive and thriving.


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