Obnoxious Rich Kid Has Standoff With Police Live On Tiktok

Florida Fish & Wildlife Officers were on patrol when they were contacted by FWC dispatch regarding a disturbance at a local business. Upon arriving at the incident location, they were greeted by staff and informed about the occurrence. Multiple staff members reported that a group of young individuals in the restaurant, particularly the “captain” of the vessel, was causing a disturbance. The individual was using profound language and, when asked to leave to stop disturbing the business patrons, became loud, belligerent, and disrespectful to the surrounding people and law enforcement. Sheriff’s deputies were on the scene, and when they asked the subject to leave, he got on his vessel, “flicked off” the deputies, and began cussing at them.

The subject later called Sunset Grill after leaving, threatening the staff and owner with derogative statements, saying he would “f word them up.” Through a series of interviews and investigations, the suspect causing the disturbance was identified and was also reported to be operating the vessel. The staff informed the officers that when the individual drove the vessel away from the business’ dock, he operated it erratically. The vessel was later identified as a 2008 Edgewater, 37 feet in length, with three Yamaha outboard engines.

After gathering information from the restaurant staff and business owner, the owner expressed that he wanted the individual trespassed from the property and never to return. The business owner also stated that the individual claimed to be a vessel captain for “Two Conch’s,” whose vessels are stored at the dock of the nearby resort “Isla Bella.” Upon arrival at the docks, officers spoke with two employees cleaning the vessels owned by “Two Conch’s.” They both confirmed that the individual did not work for their business and never had.

The officers gathered information from dispatch and were given a nearby address where the individual was currently staying. They proceeded to the address to discuss the incident with him, issue a trespass notice, and inform him that he was not allowed to return to the Sunset Grill. Upon arriving at the residence, neighbors questioned the officers’ presence and informed them that the individual caused excessive problems in the neighborhood and had threatened a female resident. Multiple people living at the residence provided sworn written statements describing various incidents. The female resident was also filing a restraining order against the individual due to feeling unsafe after multiple threats.

The individual and the vessel were not at the residence upon arrival, but he arrived by vessel shortly after while officers were speaking with the neighbors. There were three male subjects, including the individual, and one female subject onboard the vessel. Multiple FWC officers and deputies approached the vessel as it neared the dock. The individual, operating the vessel from the “tower” of the center console, quickly reversed and backed away from the dock upon seeing the officers. Despite loud verbal commands to stop the vessel, the individual continued to reverse down the canal in the opposite direction of the residence, eventually driving out of sight.

The individual returned approximately five minutes later, yelling obscene words at the officers and deputies. Despite more loud verbal commands to dock his vessel, he continued to argue and refused to come ashore for several minutes. He also threatened one of the deputies during the verbal exchange. The individual finally docked the vessel and exited, upon which he was placed in handcuffs. A fisheries inspection and search of the vessel revealed several undersized fish onboard, including three undersized mangrove snappers and one undersized lane snapper. The passengers stated that the individual, who claimed to be a fishing captain, had invited them on the boat to fish and that they thought he would take care of the fish.

Sworn written statements were given by all three passengers, and evidentiary photographs were taken of the illegal fish. The undersized fish were returned to the water in the presence of multiple FWC officers.

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