One Minutes News Everyday – 19-25 December 2021

One Minutes News Everyday – 19-25 December 2021
News reporter – Limbu Hem Bahadur
Produced by: JLIAACEA of Hong Kong

Namaste! Dear friends! Welcome to One Minutes News Everyday.
I am the news reporter, Limbu Hem Bahadur.

In Germany, the train drivers are in strike against their company. From 23 August 2021, up to 48 hours, they decide to stop driving the passenger transport trains. The company has already agreed to raise their salary of 3.2 %. However, the starting has not yet fixed.

In Sydney is Australia, 250 people have protested the government.
47 of them have been arrested because of the violation of public health laws. In Melbourne of Australia, 4000 people have protested the government. 218 of them have been arrested. 3 persons have been under detention because they fought against police officers. People in Australia organise protests because the government have decided to continue blocking up the cities, because of COVID-19.

In Taiwan Immigration, 250 cats in 62 cages were found on 20 August 2021. They totally valued about 1 million Taiwan dollars. The government is afraid that the cats could bring viruses and diseases to Taiwan. The government has decided to kill them all.

On 20 August 2021, in southwest Pakistan, a terrorist sucide bomb attack took place. 3 adults were hurt and 2 children were killed. One wounded man was a Chinese. The Pakistani Taliban has admitted the responsibility of the attack.

CBD, that is Canabiidial, is taken from hemp plant which is a cousin of the marijuana plant. CBD is not taken from marijuana. More and more countries allow CBD. In 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, CBD is not an illegal drug. CBD is not a kind of drug. In our bodies, it is CBD also. CBD is for better sleep, kill the pain and make your mental pressure be lower. It is very good for chronic joint pain and muscle soreness. Remember, different countries have different regulations. Some countries allow people only put CBD oil onto the skins. Some countries allow people to eat CBD products. Please check your country’s regulations before you buy CBD products.

Welcome to join us:

On 22 August 2021, Taliban army has been defeated in the entrance of Panjshir Valley, by Ahmad Massound. 300 Taliban soldiers have been killed. On 9 September 2001, Ahmad Shah Massoud, the father of Ahmad Massound, has assassinated by Taliban and Al-Qaeda. At that time, Ahmad Massound was 12 years old. Now, he is 32 years old. He is always ready to protect his people and his father’s tomb.

Rabies, that is mad dog disease; and BSE, that is mad cow disease are because of prion viruses. When prion viruses go into the bodies of cows or dogs, they will go directly to their brains. The viruses will ‘eat’ their brains. They will be irritable and will be easy to attack. They will not know where they are. Finally, they cannot control their legs and sit down. Then, they die. We can also be inflected if we kiss them or be bitten up by them. So, please look after your dogs and cows. Please do not let them fight with wild animals and do not let them be bitten up by wild animals. If they have been bitten up by wild animals and they die, please do not eat them. If we are infected by prion viruses, we will have fever, muscles pain, be afraid of light and water. We will be irritable. We will not know where we are.

Madagascar is a big island in the southeastern corner of Africa. The people there are suffering because of the climate change. In some parts of the island, it has been no rain since 2017. No rain, no water, no crops, no food, no network with the outside world; more than thirty thousands people are in fatal crisis. Some people there can only eat locusts and cactus in the last 8 months.

Up to 25 August 2021, there are 434 Afghan people in South Korea. The government has allowed to stay in South Korea, no need to go back to Afghanistan. Meanwhile, the South Korean soldiers are coming back home from Afghanistan with another 380 Afghan people, who have worked for the South Korean people in Afghanistan.

Up to 27 August 2021, more than 3 suicide bomb attacks have been taken place in Kabul International Airport. More than 100 people are hurt, 60 people have been killed, including children. 13 American soldiers have been killed. ISIS-K has already admitted the responsibility of attack.

From 2002 to 2021, The World Bank has sponsored Afghanistan more than 5.3 billion for national development. The World Bank officers have all left Afghanistan on 20 August 2021. The World Bank has announced that all sponsors to Afghanistan will stop at once because Taliban abuses the woman’s rights in the country.
