Over-Stimulation And Anxiety, What’s The True Link?

Today I want to fill you in on the true connection between over-stimulation and anxiety, and whether there is such a thing as good stimulation. Enjoy the podcast episode below.

3 of the main points I talk about today on the anxiety guy podcast are:

  • The randomness of your daily life which is perpetuating your anxiety and causing you to succumb to artificial stimulation.
  • How most of us are being led, not leading our own lives which is causing us to succumb to the quickest way to feeling satisfied, which is artificial stimulation.
  • How we can become aware of the labels we place on things since it’s the labels that keep us anxious and restricted many times. For example reality shows mustn’t mean entertainment, or fun.

I also go deep into the difference between natural and artificial stimulation. Here are a few examples of both:

Artificial: social media, video games, sugar filled sports drinks, junk food, TV, gossip.

Natural: Quality conversations with others, communicating with nature, breathwork, journaling, reflecting next to a fire pit, exercising, sexual activity.

stimulation and anxiety

Over-stimulation and anxiety go hand in hand and it’s up to us to change certain habits.

Today, we get to know who we’ve become just a little better. A life of anxiety is no life at all, however we unconsciously place value upon our anxiety which makes it even more challenging to overcome. Anxiety is not a necessary state to be in to accomplish what you truly want to accomplish. Your subconscious mind may think so, but that doesn’t make it truth for us.

Enjoy today’s podcast and let’s keep this beautifully positive momentum going together warrior.

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Beyond Anxiety – What To Expect On Your Path Towards Freedom (3rd book) can be purchased on Amazon here:

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