Panel 5 Crisis Management: Using PR and Marketing to Navigate the Legal Issues in Cannabis

Recorded February 2021

Now more than ever, the cannabis industry is experiencing an undeniable boom. However, while much is being done to propel the cannabis movement, there is still a lot of gray area surrounding the industry which can land brands in legal trouble if not navigated or positioned correctly, quickly and efficiently. Join our panelists as they discuss how to use public relations and marketing to navigate the landmines in cannabis properly. During this panel, attendees will learn how to keep education, transparency, reputation and crisis management at the forefront and how using a communications strategy will help position cannabis brands for success and growth.

• Duree Ross, Founder, Duree & Co
• Jyl Ferris, Creative Director, Trulieve
• Oswaldo Graziani, Creative Director, FLUENT Cannabis
• Michal Elkins, Founder, MLE Law
