Paradigm Shift #12 turn on your love light, strategies for finding the right chemistry to Heal

Please turn up your volume, I had the microphone level turned down and could not see chat, also Closed Caption. some devices have two toggles. apologies.

Today we pick up at the end of #11 where i feel like i led novice skiers to the edge of expert terrain and skied away, then realized i left you all standing at the edge of a cliff you need to zig zag down with a guide! Well, move into looking at MS and cystic fibrosis and the controversy of treating children with Herbal remedies
I get asked all the time to help people failed by western Medicine because I’ve dealt with it to the extreme myself. I am not a Doctor, I can’t practice medicine. But I can advise teach and administer plant medicine as a Sacred Plant Medicine Man. The word Medicine has a very different meaning in context.

today, as long as i got this OBS studio figured out, and i did two tests this morning, so I think I’m good to go… we will together investigate and find possible solutions to help two Human Beings who have approached me for help with migraine over past 48 hours.

I personally have never experienced a migraine, I’ve known many people who do deal with them over the years, and the one thing i recall is that there is little if any understanding the underlaying causes, and tat there are multiple types.

Join us as we go through the process to find what may help or not.

Today I’m introducing a new style with the OBS studio stream Tek
this is what it’s all about btw! learning!! and I’m teaching myself some new things so i can teach you the stuff i have mastered over 37 years and the new stuff I learn daily!!! like just now i found out i have to close the streaming app to initiate this live stream on YouTube. Are you willing to do the work to see if what i teach is valid? or more comfy sitting in the box with everyone else?

you can follow me on Instagram here:

You can Subscribe to my main YouTube Channel where I present a lot more than just cannabis here:

you can acquire the fruits of my labor in genetic information packages (seeds) here:

Have you ever wanted to drop a dime or a buck or 100 or 1000 as a gift of gratitude for something you learned? people keep telling me to setup a Patrion account, but I don’t like the idea of exclusive content, most of the people I help directly have no money, that ends up with me having no money because as a Medicine man it is my sacred duty to help folks weather they can pay/ compensate me or not. I offer seeds for donations for a way folks can help the cause, but not everyone needs seeds, so I’m putting it out there, feel free to send me a donation via Pay Pal! eventually I’d like to set up a consulting program with a sliding scale but for now, if you can afford to, why not drop a thank you commensurate with the way you value the knowledge you gained from my rambles Gratitude! Ill be producing and offering my artwork in functional form as well, clothing and posters etc. (NFTs?) at some point in the not-too-distant future again. Another great way to support my daughter’s father.

You can help me out by using this link to buy your MBM! I get a small 5 or 7 % finder’s fee for you using this link. Thank You!
