Part 3: Top 6 Product trends in the Health Wellness Category (Spring 2022)

The two trends discussed in this video and for you to consider in your Spring 2022 strategy reviews:

1. Beverage – Hydration and Beyond: The beverage category will evolve, but beverage is growing into health and wellness. The addition of ingredients focused on current consumer need states (hydration, cognitive health, beauty from within, diet, mood states, etc.) is coming to you in a beverage format, and is one to note. *Caution – this trend is contagious!*

2. Human Connection: This trend is global and universal. It transcends consumers desire for connection with products into the business relationships and the humans within health and wellness. Take full advantage of this trend and Connect!

Reach out to me at if you would like support in strategy review and consideration of these top 6 product trends.

(Relevant Data Sources: – August, 2021; Spins – March 2022; ;;; Natural Products Expo – March 2022)
