Patients Using Cannabis: A Dentist’s Guide

Guidance for dentists dealing with patients using marijuana. We’re exploring the impact of marijuana on oral health. Join us for a discussion about trends in marijuana use and their implications when treating your patients.

Special Guest: Dr. Barry Taylor

For more information, show notes and transcripts visit


00:00 Intro

02:15 Meet Dr. Barry Taylor

08:03 Why is cannabis use growing?

11:25 What should you do if you suspect your patient is high?

17:10 Cannabis impact on oral health



➡ Read the ADA News story referenced at the start of the episode (*1ykovbg*_ga*MTYwMTQxMjE4OC4xNjg1NjUyOTEw*_ga_X8X57NRJ4D*MTcxNTM0MTYwMS4yMDQuMC4xNzE1MzQxNjAxLjAuMC4w), which reports that half of dentists surveyed reported patients were high during dental visits.

➡ Take a look at the results of the ADA Communications Trend Report. (

➡ A map of the states where cannabis products are legal for recreational and medical use in 2024. (

➡ Learn more about the oral health effects of cannabis. (

➡ Read the article cited by Dr. Taylor about the ethical and scientific recommendations for treating dental patients who are cannabis users. (

➡ More about the Dunedin Study (, referenced in the episode.

➡ More about the NHANES Study (, referenced in the episode.

➡ Learn what the FDA has to say about cannabis-related products. (

➡ Interesting reads about local anesthetic efficacy, a pilot study (, and findings (

➡ Get evidence-based research about cannabis (STEM website referenced in the episode). (

➡ More from Dr. Barry Taylor and the Oregon Dental Association. (

➡ Resources for medical emergencies in the dental office. (


“Dental Sound Bites” is an ADA podcast created for dentists, by dentists. Join our hosts, representing different paths in their careers, for real talk on dentistry’s daily wins and sticky situations. Tune in to benefit from the wisdom of your peers and share some laughs along the way. Come for the camaraderie, stay for insightful discussions with leading experts from our industry and beyond.

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The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Dental Association


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