Peace in the Home. Peace on the Planet – With Dr Sangeeta Sahi | Victim 2 Victor | Anu Verma

Dr Sangeeta Sahi is the founder of Unified Human Foundation in the UK, a non-profit organization supporting non-government organisations globally, and which unify human beings with Nature. She has worked for over 20 years in various locations including India, Africa, USA, in projects of developing innovation and natural solutions for environmental, health and cultural as well as community sustainability.

She is also a pioneering medical physician who has been able to combine her formal medical training with a host of complementary therapies, based upon biophysical and quantum physical evidence.

In the field of integrative immune system health, Dr Sangeeta has designed specific programme for individuals experiencing cancer and autoimmune diseases, using her own particular integrated approach. This programme is called Conscious Cancer®.

Dr Sangeeta is passionate about sharing her business and medical health knowledge and experience with leaders and with people who want to create impact and change in their lives.

Using her unique integrative approach, she has designed an individualised mentoring program for leaders of this new age. This mentorship program is designed for leaders who choose wholistic, sustainable growth and development for their organisations and communities. For those who have commitment to the development of their purpose at this time.

Dr. Sangeeta, as well as working as an Integrative Medical Doctor and Anti- aging Consultant, graduating from Christian Medical College,India, also, has an MBA degree from ESSEC, Paris, France.

Topics we will discuss in this video:
* Land, history, planet records
* Planetary trauma and collective human trauma
* Peace, attention, focus
* Scientific theory of non locality, Bell’s Theorem
* Ending with a short meditation for Peace in the home.

IG: genuine_humanbeing, unifiedhumanfoundation
Youtube: Dr Sangeeta Sahi

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