Perspective on International Food Assistance and World Hunger!

Perspective on International Food Assistance and World Hunger!

McGill University’s research emphasizes the pivotal role of international food assistance in addressing the global hunger crisis. In 2022, the World Food Programme helped a record 158 million people ().

With no global treaty in place, food aid is guided by a patchwork of international agreements and institutions. Using the concept of a “regime complex,” a study published in the Journal of International Trade Law and Policy examines those rules and the systems that shape them.

Did You Know?

Approximately, 9% of the world’s population still suffers from chronic hunger and malnutrition?

Feeding Hope, Nourishing Change

Rather than create a new entity to solve the problem, the findings point to a paradigm shift in the existing systems.

Rethinking the dominant discourse among institutions is crucial to working towards zero hunger, posits author Clarisse Delaville, a second-year doctoral student at McGill’s Faculty of Law. 

“There are two main regimes that govern global food assistance—the trade regime and the food security regime. I encourage a stronger commitment from both regimes to implement a human-rights-based approach, to question the prominent discourse on food trade regimes, which paints food assistance as a distortion in trade that ought to be minimized,” says Delaville.


  1. A regime complex for food assistance: international law regulating international food assistance


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