Plasma Treatment Not Beneficial for Covid Patients

“We were hoping that the use of Covid-19 convalescent plasma would achieve at least a 10 per cent reduction in disease progression in this group, but instead, the reduction we observed was less than 2 percent,” said Clifton Callaway, principal investigator for the trial.

‘Covid-19 convalescent plasma are ongoing or planned in different populations. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an emergency use authorization to allow use of convalescent plasma in hospitalized patients with Covid-19.’

“That was surprising to us. As physicians, we wanted this to make a big difference in reducing severe illness and it did not,” said Callaway, who is also professor of emergency medicine at the University of Pittsburgh in the US.

Covid-19 convalescent plasma, also known as “survivor’s plasma”, is blood plasma derived from patients who have recovered from Covid-19. Last year, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an emergency use authorization to allow use of convalescent plasma in hospitalized patients with Covid-19.

The randomized, controlled clinical trial involved 500 adult outpatients who presented to 48 emergency departments with mild Covid-19 symptoms during their first week post-infection in the US.

The researchers randomly assigned the participants to receive treatment with either high-titer Covid-19 convalescent plasma (containing anti-Covid-19 antibodies) or placebo (salt solution infused with multivitamins and lacking antibodies).

Of the 511 participants, disease progression occurred in 77 (30 percent) in the Covid-19 plasma group compared with 81 patients (31.9 per cent) in the placebo group. The plasma intervention did not cause harm, the researchers found.

The reason the intervention did not produce the expected results is unclear, Callaway said. Researchers are continuing to look at possible explanations, including insufficient plasma dose, timing of plasma administration, host-related factors, or other aspects of the host tissue responses to the infection, he added.

Additional studies of Covid-19 convalescent plasma are ongoing or planned in different populations. The results will help get a clearer, more conclusive picture of its value for future treatments of Covid-19, the researchers said.

Source: IANS

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