Porch Play Chats are conversations with people who are just as passionate about play and IPA USA. Joining me on the Porch today are Dr. Cathy Ramstetter and Dr. Charlene Brickman.
Dr. Charlene Woodham Brickman is an early childhood consultant and recess/play researcher. She is the founder of Recess and Play in Athens, GA. As of December 1, she will become the Executive Director of Little Athens Children’s Museum Project. She’s a problem-solver with “cheap magic” up her sleeve.
Dr. Cathy Ramstetter is a School Health Consultant with Successful Healthy Children, assisting schools with wellness initiatives and recess implementation, to protect recess for every child. Dr. Ramstetter is the co-author of the American Academy of Pediatrics Policy on Recess. In April 2020, Dr. Ramstetter was a founding member of the Global Recess Alliance, which guides schools to rethink policies and practices for recess. In October of 2022, the International Play Association-USA conferred the Doctor of Play to Cathy in recognition of her lifetime achievements in advocating for the child’s right to play.
Charlene and Cathy are both consultants with Successful Healthy Children, offering one-on-one services, consulting and coaching, for professional or familial needs. They also provide in-person, hybrid and virtual trainings and professional development. Together, Charlene and Cathy have a combined 70 years of experience in health, wellness, and education. Their work together on recess is grounded in their respective expertise in early childhood education and school health.
The co-facilitators are Lisa Murphy and Deb Lawrence. To learn more about IPA USA and to join our efforts to promote play, visit IPAUSA.org