Pre-Eclampsia Might be Prevented With Low-dose Aspirin

It can be dangerous to both mother’s and infant’s life as it may result in seizure during pregnancy (Eclampsia).

Pre-Eclampsia and Aspirin Use

Pre-Eclampsia generally ensues after 20 weeks of pregnancy and adds to maternal and infant morbidity and mortality. It affects around 4% of pregnancies in the United States and is the cause for 6% of preterm births and 19% of medically indicated preterm births in the US.

The USPSTF enforces routine recommendations concerning the preventive care services for pre-eclampsia. With consistency to its 2014 recommendation, it has now strengthened its motive by demonstrating reduced risks of perinatal death with low-dose aspirin use through a systematic review.

Hence, USPSTF reinforces the use of daily low-dose aspirin for reducing the risk for pre-eclampsia, small for gestational age/intrauterine growth restriction, preterm birth, and perinatal mortality in pregnant women with high risk for pre-eclampsia.

Source: Medindia

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