Recess Hemp Infused Drink. Does it work?

This is our tasting and review of Recess which is a line of fruit-flavored Hemp (CBD) infused sparkling waters. Recess says it’s beverage is “an antidote to modern times” they claim their drink can with help focus, relaxation, creativity and balance.

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My Instagram – Ron Anderson

(The music I make) –

(The music I buy) –

Mylungpuppy is the channel of musician Ron Anderson. All music by Ron Anderson. I have been making avant-music for over forty years in a number of different projects; PAK, The Molecules, RonRuins, numerous collaborations and solo. I combine composition and improvisation exploring the regions where they intersect. Sometimes my music is brutal, but I’m not afraid of melody, in general my work is pretty much “out there”. The main focus of my channel is music, but I also make vlogs on various subjects, cycling, touring and traveling, Photography, rare vinyl LPs, audio field recordings, etc. Because not everyone is going to be interested in all the subjects covered on this channel, I have made playlists so you do not have to search through videos to find what you are looking for.I try to answer questions and respond to as many comments as I can, any and all feedback from you is welcome.
