Recovering From Anxiety, My Deep Thoughts On The Process

recovering from anxiety

This week has been a big week for me in terms of creating more awareness around how we go about actually recovering from anxiety. I’ve realized that it’s important to understand that it is a process, however it’s even more important to understand that this recognition shouldn’t overwhelm you.

There are many people that see recovery from anxiety as a hill that they have to climb rather than imagine that it’s a path connected to lessons they need to learn.

This simple imagery will alter things almost instantly. Whether it’s a hill to climb or a path that involves lessons to be learned apply the only difference is which one to choose. You do have a choice here you know. You get to choose how to approach the process of recovering from anxiety, no one else. And once you choose correctly you will be consciously imagining the best case scenario rather than continue to unconsciously imagine the worst hence increasing anxiety levels.

It’s easy to get distracted these days, the world is very loud and it’s pulling you here and there. This can be exhausting because you become unsure of what direction you personally need to go in order to heal.

Recovering from anxiety and coping are two separate things and it’s my belief that whichever one of these approaches you entertain and give focus to regularly will actually manifest.

For example, someone who looks to manage anxiety subconsciously will always feel the need to keep it around in some way no matter the situation. Whereas someone who is looking to put it behind them for good gives their subconscious mind (or inner child) the permission to let go of fear centered perceptions in moments when it may want to arise.

I do believe that the large majority of people suffering from anxiety rush the process, or at least are always looking to rush it. If something doesn’t work within a few days and makes them feel better they put it aside and look for something else. If however, it does start working than subconsciously with the ‘managing anxiety’ approach they will begin creating physical discomfort and mental reasons for why their progress won’t last.

When someone adopts the attitude that recovery from anxiety is the goal and possible for them however, they will find comfort in their anxiety progress and not allow the fear centered defense mechanisms within them to take over.

When discussing the ‘defense mechanisms’ to recovering from anxiety we’re looking at ways the subconscious mind plays tricks on us. These tricks can arise through:

  • Mental excuses around how we don’t deserve to be healed or how we can’t.
  • Physical increase of symptoms of anxiety or travelling between body parts symptoms of anxiety.
  • Further emotional distress when the thought of doing something outside our comfort zone arises.
  • Seeing the world through the eyes of exaggerated fear.
  • Irritability and anger towards people and situations that really don’t deserve it.

These are just a few examples of these defense mechanisms by the inner child that prevent our recovery from anxiety. Often even, if this part of us feels that change is happening to quickly for its taste it will also create a host of ways to bring you back into the prison of irrational fear.

If this post is speaking to you so far, good, because it must.

The reason I say that it must is because it’s highly likely that you still believe you need to carry elements of anxiety around with you daily. Well, you don’t, and a certain degree of courage is necessary during recovery from anxiety and you must find this within.

Soon you will be in alignment with the positives rather than the negatives. This is a freeing and yet often uncomfortable place to be since it’s all quite unfamiliar. 

So the main message of the day today is to look within and ask yourself what your approach is towards your anxiety number 1, and number 2 to understand that the timeline for recovering from anxiety is not up to you. The understanding that some things just aren’t in your control such as how quickly you will heal will allow you to tap into a different form of intelligence, your higher self, and this is the missing component to your healing.

Much love.

recovering from anxiety

*This is the main topic this month for our monthly members masterclass, you can learn more right here.

Childhood trauma can become stuck in the mind and body. However, through the Inner Circle program below you can begin your journey towards healing the inner child for good.

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