Researchers Develop a Non-invasive Sensor That Detects Intracranial Hypertension

, a startup based in So Carlos, sought to find the relationship between blood pressure and intracranial pressure. They monitored both in

for six weeks.

‘Elevation in blood pressure levels is associated with intracranial Hypertension. Losartan can potentially help control intracranial Hypertension.’

Renal artery obstruction was created in rats with the help of vascular clips , restricting the flow of blood to one kidney. During the third week, rats developed Hypertension throughout their bodies, in addition to fluid retention.

In the sixth week, blood pressure was high (190 per 100 mmHg) , and a significant elevation in intracranial pressure was observed through alterations in the pulse waveforms. And towards the end of the study, the rats were treated with losartan , which reduces high blood pressure.

“We were the first to succeed in monitoring this process non-invasively, tracking changes in the shape of the intracranial pressure curve,” said Eduardo Colombari, principal investigator for the study. Colombari is a professor at UNESP’s Dental School in Araraquara (FOAr).

Another part of the study included a comparative assessment of the efficacy of newly developed non-invasive sensors and the invasive method in detecting intracranial pressure. Some patients with systemic impairments underwent intracranial pressure measurement using the wearable sensor developed by Brain4care.

Gustavo Frigieri, Brain4care’s Scientific Director, thinks this discovery could also be potentially helpful in research applications. He said, “Our technology can close gaps left open owing to the aggressiveness of the conventional method, which entails a significant risk of infection because a hole is drilled in the skull to insert a sensor.”

Source: Medindia

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