Resiliency Within | Promoting Nurse Well-Being during COVID

Ingrid Duva complete interview July 25, 2022
Hosted by Elaine Miller-Karas, LCSW

COVID-19 exacerbated stress and trauma universally, creating a secondary pandemic that increased demand for mental health care in a system on the verge of crisis. An intense and immediate need for population well-being support resulted, and subsequent requests for resiliency training quickly followed. In response, Dr. Ingrid Duva and nurses in Georgia certified to teach the Community Resiliency Model (CRM) fast tracked efforts to share this mental wellness training program across their state. This successful nurse-led response to the crisis capitalized on statewide organizations’ existing efforts to bolster well-being and reduce trauma. Partnerships were formed and joint aims identified to disseminate the Community Resiliency Model, as a self-care modality to individuals in organizations and communities throughout the state. An evaluation of this program was recently published in the American Journal of Public Health. Dr. Duva will discuss the results of their efforts and the implications to the well-being of front-line workers nationwide.

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