Rheumatoid Arthritis Drug Reduces Covid-19 Infection

Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune inflammatory disorder that causes inflammation in the joints. The symptoms of the condition are joint stiffness in the morning, swollen and tender joints, fatigue, fever, and loss of infection.

‘Rheumatoid arthritis drug along with standard care reduces the mortality in covid-19 patients.

Patients who underwent COV-BARRIER trial were selected randomly and were administered with barictinib for 14 days along with the standard medications like remdesiver and dexomethosone. The results showed that

The drug had reduced the 28 day and 60 day mortality by 5%

The patients who were on mechanical ventilator (ECMO) showed greater signs of survival

The drug is an inhibitor of Janus kinases (JAK) 1 and 2 that block the transduction pathways that lead to inflammation caused by the covid-19 infection.

According to Ely- professor at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center “Hospitalized patients with the SARS-CoV-2 infection (which causes COVID-19), often develop an intense hyperinflammatory state that can lead to dysfunction of multiple organs, including acute respiratory distress syndrome, septic shock and death,” “It is increasingly evident that treatment with baricitinib may help prevent death in some of the most critically ill COVID-19 patients, and that this class of medications represents an important treatment advance for this vulnerable group of patients in the constantly evolving pandemic,”

More studies are needed to confirm the use of the drug.

Source: Medindia

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