This video has an update on how Round 1 went, including side effects and remedies. Meds and chemo cocktail is described; medical marijuana is discussed in further detail including Rick Simpson Oil. Beach meditation benefits; Prayer/how to Pray, what to say. Musical treat at the very end by Bama Blu-Grace.
#cancer #nonhodgkinslymphoma #spiritualhealing #meditation #meditationbench #cancerpatientsupport #lymphoma #cancersurvivor #God #cancersupport #cancerpatient #cancerresearch #chemotherapy #spiritualhealth #healing #prayer #scripture #Jesus #spiritualhealth #medicine #chemotherapyRICE #RCHOP #Neulasta #medicalmarijuana #marijuana #RickSimpsonOil #RSO #pain #painmanagment #nonopioids #CBD #oncology #oncologypatientsupport #LetThemSeeYouInMe #cancer #nonhodgkinslymphoma #spiritualhealing #meditation #meditationbench #cancerpatientsupport #lymphoma #cancersurvivor #God #cancersupport #cancerpatient #cancerresearch #chemotherapy #spiritualhealth #healing #prayer #mortalthoughts#sisterwarriors #breastcancer #bonemarrowtransplant #stemcellrecovery #stemcellresearch #amazingscience #savinglives #GodisGoodallthetime
Its amazing this dog trainer its wawwww