Running is the Best Way to Lose Weight BUT…

I started running to lose weight. And it worked. I lost a lot of weight running and changing my diet. I’ve helped people learn how to run and lose weight lose. I’m a running weight loss success story.

Running Weight Loss Before and After

But if all you care about is losing weight – running might not be for you. Running is hard. Some people hate it. It’s not the fastest way to lose weight. If you have 8 days to lose 20 pounds before vacation – you may need to consider extreme surgery (and even more extreme therapy).

  1. Running is hard.
  2. Some people hate running.
  3. It’s not the fastest way to lose weight.
  4. Strangers hand runners free candy and bananas.
  5. Runners love eating and talking about food.
  6. Chafing.
  7. Did I mention IT’S HARD?!!?

But I do believe running is a great way to exercise for weight loss, stress relief, enjoy the outdoors, clear your head, spend time with friends, do something you’re proud of and more.

So, I’m sharing realistic, do-able tips to help you run better, further, faster AND let weight loss be a perk of running instead of the only reason to do it.

Running for weight loss

Running Weight Loss Tips

Set a SMART Goal that’s NOT based on your weight.

As you work towards your goal you’ll get healthier and likely lose weight – which will be the cherry on top of accomplishing your goal. SMART Goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time Sensitive. Use that as a guide to help you determine what you’re working towards and write it down to make it official.

Make Running Fun.

Here are some ideas to help you enjoy running: Join a running club and do group runs to make friends. Make a new playlist each week. Find new running routes to explore. Register for a fun run. Wear cute running gear. Don’t take it too seriously.

Pick one or try them all. The point is to do what speaks to YOU so you look forward to your miles instead of dread them.

Celebrate every tiny victory!

Focus on your progress (instead of a number on the scale). When I wanted to lose weight in the past I’d set a goal weight, start a diet and weigh myself. I NEVER felt good after weighing myself. But, when I set a goal based on my effort – it makes me feel good to track my progress. That builds confidence which helps me keep going when I’m having a tough time. It’s a happy lil cycle for improvement!

I was a chubby kid and gained more and more weight during high school. I hated my body and struggled to lose weight before I learned about the right ways to exercise and eat. I know it can be hard, so don’t make it harder for yourself by doing something you hate or letting a scale determine how you feel. Do your best. Be kind to yourself. You got this.


Keep Going with these:

What I Eat in a Day Food Diary Vlog

Fall Running Gear Favorites 

Today’s Costco Grocery Haul

15 Pre Run Snack Ideas

Running Log and Meal Planner printable 


Follow me on Instagram @RunEatRepeat! 


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