Say goodbye to cancer

Steve Jobs was a classic example of how even the rich and famous, when it’s their time, dies. Unfortunately, the medical profession being absorbed with profit, in the guise of humanitarian consciousness, does more harm than good.

Everyone has cancer cells in their body.  These cells don’t show up until they multiply
to several billion and usually that happens after years of abuse due to diet
and or stress. If one has a strong immune system, that’s usually enough to keep
those cancer cells from manifesting as tumors.

When those cancer cells do appear however, the guy in the
white coat will whisper those five endearing words: “you need chemotherapy and
radiation”. You would think by this time the MDs would have figured out that
poisoning these cancer cells with chemotherapy also destroys the healthy cells
in the body as well and that the radiation burns, scars and ruins healthy
cells, tissues and organs.

Yes, tumor size reduces with these therapies but total
destruction hardly ever occurs. The problem is that when the body is burdened
with the toxicity of these harsh chemical and radioactive atrocities all kinds
of infections and complications can and will manifest. Not only that but then
the danger of cancer cell mutations causing them to be resistant to
destruction.  Adding surgery to the mix
contributes to their spreading as well due to their prolific entry into the
blood stream.

So, how does one battle this insidious affliction? Simple –
just don’t feed it the foods that help it multiply and spread. And which food
is at the top of that list? Sugar! If you cut off sugar you cut off a very
important cancer cell food supply. Don’t even think about going “diet”. All
that artificial aspartame is just as bad if not worse. Why in the world would
anyone want to put something in their body that converts to formaldehyde at 84
degrees when the body’s temperature is 98.6 degrees? There’s nothing like being
embalmed while you’re still alive is there? I would think that stevia would be
a more natural and way safer sweetener.

Another factor to consider is that cancer feeds on mucus.
Cut off milk products and the starvation of the cancer cells increases. A
switch to brown rice or non-GMO soymilk is a great alternative. Use the
unsweetened varieties and use stevia as your sweetener and you’ll do just fine.

But wait, there’s more: cancer cells love acidity. And what kinds of foods are acidic? Anything that had a face and a mother.  All flesh foods contain not only GMOs from the feed given to the animals. Why in the world would an intelligent person want to consume foods rich in antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites? Besides, flesh protein is almost indigestible and uses up an incredible amount of digestive enzymes. Because a muscle cannot be thoroughly chewed or digested it just sits there in your intestines becoming more and more putrefied, which leads to more and more toxicity.

Go vegan, go vegan, go vegan. Have most of your diet coming
from organic fresh vegetables and juices, organic whole grains, nuts, seeds and
fruit and you’re good to go.  Some cooked
food is okay as long as it does not make up most of your diet. Raw organic
vegetable and fresh juices provide live enzymes that are absorbed easily and
take a short time to nourish and speed up the growth of healthy cells.
Remember, pasteurization kills all nutrients!

One of the major players in killing cancer is oxygen. If the
body is constantly kept in an aerobic (oxygenated) environment, cancer cells
have a hard time existing, let alone thriving. Organic Sulfur Crystals are
wonderful for this and their magic is astounding. Contact for more

If you are foolish enough to insist on microwaving your
foods, at least do not put anything plastic in the microwave and do not put
plastic water bottles in the freezer. Freezing the plastic releases dioxins
from the plastic and dioxins contribute heavily to cancer.

Another important thing to consider is that the combination
of fat, high heat, and plastics release dioxins into the food and ultimately
into the cells of the body. You alternatives should be stainless steel (not for
microwaves), Corning Ware, glass, Pyrex, or ceramic ware. Better yet, be safe
and throw out your microwave. You also wouldn’t want to use a plastic wrap like
Saran in a microwave either as the high heat will cause poisonous toxins to
melt out of the wrap and into your food and ultimately your body.

No one is saying that change is easy. But when you look at your choices of a longer disease, free life or a shortened life of sickness and pain, it’s not rocket science as to what your choice should be.



The post Say goodbye to cancer appeared first on NaturalNewsBlogs.

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