Shocking Statistics about Employee Health and Wellness

Did you know that by 2020, employers are to spend above $10,000 on health care for each worker!

Employees spend most of their waking hours bound to a desk.

Limited physical activity and irregular food habits are pushing them towards an unhealthy lifestyle.

As a result,

61% of employees are drained out on their jobs,
40% of employees are dealing with obesity,
72% of employees are prone to cardiovascular diseases,
26% of employees suffer from insomnia,
& 22% of employees are suffering from hypertension

So, how do you tackle these alarming problems in the workplace?

This is where an Employee Wellness Program comes in, which is a collection of company sponsored health and wellness initiatives.

A well-designed employee wellness program motivates employees to make healthy choices, resulting in healthcare savings, more engaged workplace and fewer sick leaves.

About 73 percent of Employers are already providing Wellness Programs to their employees and have seen positive results in building a culture of health and wellness.

Thinking how to start off with your Employee Wellness program?

Try Vantage Fit, a corporate health & wellness app that allows you to effectively implement a wellness program and promote fitness, engagement and productivity at your workplace.
