#shorts #health #wellness #fitness

Agree or disagree?

I’ve experienced the medical system from both sides, as a critical care nurse and as a patient. I couldn’t agree more with this.

I suggested we name our business Whealth because in my years of nursing I heard a lot of patients speaking of regret. That regret was never about material items, financial status, or business achievements. It was always regret of not taking better care of their physical body or emotional regret often related to close relationships (not being a better parent, spouse, sibling, etc). When people are faced with the end of their lives suddenly things are put into perspective and all the insignificant things fall away.

The definition of wealth is often correlated with financial or material wealth. But we strongly believe that someone’s health is the most accurate measure of their wealth. Hence the name Whealth. “Your health is your wealth” is never truer than when someone’s health is in jeopardy. You can’t buy health. And there aren’t quick fixes. The decisions you make about exercise, strengthening, nutrition, and emotional health are investments that pay dividends in your later years. Of course there are some immediate benefits, but the long-term dividends will come many years from now.

Over the years I’ve had people comment on my eating or my exercise habits in a negative manner. I’ve had people make comments like, “I could just never put my kids in the gym daycare” or “oh I wish I had time to work out like you do” or “you need to loosen up and live a little”.

Let’s get a few things clear. I do not exercise or eat a certain way for the aesthetic benefits. I live the way I do because it’s how I FEEL and function best. Part of hEDS for me is that I’m very sensitive. I’m sensitive to chemicals, scents, additives, processed foods, etc. Skipping a few days of strengthening work leaves me with an increase in pain, GI symptoms, stress, etc. Eating out and “living a little” results in me being stuck in a bathroom or curled up with stomach pain. That’s not my idea of “living a little”. #hypermobility #healthy
