Smoking Weed and ESTROGEN? Cannabis “Estrogenicity” 🥖 Ep74

Joe Rogan released his new special today and Dr. Anthony Jay (#DRJ) talks #weed, #marijuana, #cannabis – and estrogen! Does smoking weed actually have estrogenic impacts on your body?

* Smoking Weed and ESTROGEN? Cannabis “Estrogenicity” *

MORE ON DR. ANTHONY G. JAY – the scientist, science speaker, science simplifier, outdoorsman, and red camo guy – can be found at:

NOTE: For your convenience, ALL these health science nutrition episodes with Dr. JAY throwing papers are compiled into audio podcasts. Find them on libsyn or itunes here:

MOST IMPORTANTLY: Support this show by getting your copy of Dr. Jay’s book, “ESTROGENERATION: How Estrogenics Are Making You Fat, Sick, and Infertile”, from Amazon. You may also find Dr. Jay’s book at a DISCOUNTED deal at AJ Consulting Company here:

MUSIC CREDIT: Two Steps From Hell – Strength Of A Thousand Men [Instrumental Core Remix]

HASHTAGS TO USE AND SHARE along with DRJ: #estrogeneration #thuglife #thuglifescience #joerogan



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