Social Media Linked to 7% of Teen Sexual Assault Cases

Social Media Linked to 7% of Teen Sexual Assault Cases

Out of over 1,000 teens who reported sexual abuse at a California hospital, 7% said social media was involved in the assault (1 Trusted Source
Social Media Used to Facilitate Sexual Assault in Children, Study Finds

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This percentage increased to 12% where the abuser was a family member. A recent study presented at the 2024 American Academy of Pediatrics Conference highlighted the alarming role social media plays in facilitating sexual abuse among teens. The research will be shared at the Orlando conference from Sept 27 to Oct 1.

The study, titled “Social Media Facilitated Sexual Assault in Children,” was led by Dr. Miguel Cano, a child abuse pediatrician. Dr. Cano emphasized that while social media provides valuable opportunities for young people to connect and communicate with others, it also presents significant dangers.

Teens Facing Risks in the Digital World

“Teenagers are increasingly living their lives in digital spaces,” said Dr. Cano, highlighting the vulnerability of children to various forms of abuse in these online environments.

The research specifically focused on children aged 10 to 18 who opened up about sexual abuse at Rady Children’s Hospital Chadwick Center for Children and Families between 2018 and 2023.

The researchers defined social media-facilitated sexual assault as cases where online platforms were used for communication between the victim and the abuser, which led to an assault.

The study shows how abusers use social media to get the attention of the victims, many of whom are exposed to emotional abuse, cyberbullying, harassment, threats, and sexual content.

The online world can also create situations where children and teens engage with strangers, sometimes leading to real-world encounters that result in dangerous situations, including sexual abuse.

Social Media’s Impact on Teen Safety

One of the key findings of the research is that Instagram and Snapchat were the most commonly reported social media platforms used by abusers to connect with victims. However, multiple platforms were mentioned in the reports.

The average age of the victims was 13 years old, and 89% of the victims were female. In 60% of the cases, the abuser was related to the victim, highlighting the complex dynamics of abuse. Additionally, 80% of the abusers were adult men, underlining the serious risks that vulnerable teens face when interacting online.

Dr. Cano pointed out the challenges in regulating social media platforms, as they often need proper oversight and security measures to protect young users. He stressed the importance of awareness among parents, pediatricians, and anyone involved in the care of children.

“With few oversights and regulations, parents, pediatricians, and anyone who cares for children need to understand this danger and need better tools and resources to help keep children safe from predators on social media,” said Dr. Cano.


  1. Social Media Used to Facilitate Sexual Assault in Children, Study Finds – (


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