Transcription of the video:

by Edward Green
Many teenagers in the United States work in their free time, on weekends,
or during the summer holidays. They work as waiters, waitresses, dog
walkers, babysitters, car cleaners, pizza delivery boys, or gardeners.

In the U.S., 14- and 15-year-old teens can work only three hours a day and 18 hours a week during the school year. And they cannot work after 7 p.m. During the holidays, they can work 8 hours a day and 40 hours a week.

If you want to work in the U.S., you can look for some ads on bulletin boards like this one:


Jobs Wanted

I’m a car cleaner.
I’m free from 5 to 7 p.m.
Please call Rob Clark.
Phone: (508) 428-1124
Rob, 14

I’m a dog walker.
Please call Janet Taylor.
Phone: (508) 518-0446
E-mail address:
Janet, 14

Earn some pocket money

Are you a babysitter?
We offer you $10 an hour.
Mr. and Mrs. Young
E-mail address: youngyoung@teenmail.com

My garden is ugly.
Are you a gardener?
Call Mrs. Green.
Phone: (508) 519-9058

Livro: Hightlights Vol. 1
Texto: Teen Jobs (p. 48)
Editora: Richmond
