Templeton Select Board Meeting of Apr. 12, 2023

1. Call the Meeting to Order & Reading of Statutory Recording Notice
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Minutes of Prior Meetings:
a. Meeting Minutes ~ 03.22.2023
b. Executive Session Minutes~ none
4. Citizen Input
5. New Business:
a. Introductions of New Employees~ Nick Celata-Full Time-Fire Department
b. Appointments ~ none
a. Presentation RE: Quarterly Reports~Q3-FY’23 Public Safety
b. Presentation RE: Quarterly Reports~Q3-FY’23 Public Services
c. Action RE: Veterans Services
d. Action RE: Senior Center Donations
e. Action RE: Director of Public Services Employment Agreement
f. Action RE: Host Community Agreement Amendment(s); Tempest, Inc.; Empress & Bandit Greenery, LLC; Sugar Grove, LLC; Cannabonics, LLC; Royalston Farms, LLC; Royal Sun Cannabis LLC and Bud Runner, LLC
g. Action RE: Annual Town Meeting Warrant
h. Action RE: Earmark request for legislative team (M. Currie)
i. Action RE: Amend Select Board Policies: Proposed Action Item Tracker (AIT) (M. Currie)
6. Old Business: none
7. Board Member and Administrator Comments & Reports
8. Adjournment
