The 5 Different Types Of Sufferers Looking To Stop Anxiety

What if our actions to stop anxiety and heal our mental health were working against us? Today we get honest with ourselves and recognize where our blocks to change exist.

When we look at our results we can tell whether we’re truly healing anxiety or not. Some people are comfortable with managing their anxiety symptoms and in fact have created somewhat of a relationship with them. Of course many will not admit this, but the truth will always come through one day when a person has in fact suffered enough and is ready to go deeper within.

To stop anxiety we have to trust that we can.

how to stop anxiety program

In today’s  episode we’ll be going through these 5 types of anxiety sufferers looking to stop anxiety. Can you identify with any one of these? If so, comment below:

  1. The cautious type (I’ll try this but I doubt it will really work)
  2. The all in one go type (this one thing must heal all other things)
  3. The logical type (I know this will take time and consistency)
  4. The reliant type (I must be supported by otters or I won’t and can’t do this)
  5. The dreamer type (where healing is a nice idea but they believe they’re too far in to ever heal whether that be because of age, amount of time suffering, or other reasons)

There is tremendous insight to be gained in todays anxiety podcast episode. The best way to approach this session is with an open mind and an open heart. Allow my words to speak to you deeply and know that everything I say is meant to help you to stop anxiety once and for all. Let’s create an inner world that doesn’t succumb to survival instincts that are on overdrive, but rather guides their own inner child (this YouTube video will clarify) towards a more optimistic outlook every time.

Please take a few moments right now to subscribe to this anxiety podcast through your favourite directory here: Apple, Stitcher, or Podbean

My Latest Book is now out on amazon and you can pick it up below today:

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