The Elite's Hospital – International BioCare Hosptial and Wellness Center – Tijuana, Mexico

The healthcare system in the USA and around the world is failing. There is no doubt about that. Pastor Lindsey Williams doesn’t use the US healthcare system, he uses The Elite’s Hospital. BioCare Hospital: – Call for a free consultation at 1-800-701-7345.

The hospital he spoke about in his presentation: Healing The Elite Way, which you can watch for free here:

The Elite use International BioCare Hospital & Wellness Center in Tijuana, Mexico. They provide real medicine and real treatments!

Call International Bio Care Hospital and Wellness Center for a free consultation: US & Canada: 1-800-701-7345 Global: 1+ 619-309-2080


Download the International BioCare Hospital Brochure:


Since the mid-seventies BioCare System has put into practice an integrative, holistic approach to restore and face all stages of health challenges:

Holistically, we treat the whole person considering your unique biological individuality. We create a customized program following a thorough medical and laboratory evaluation. Each patient profits from our comprehensive, integrative protocols, always supported by the body’s biological capacity to heal itself.

BioCare offers a wide array of non-invasive, highly effective, non-toxic treatments: Whole Body Hyperthermia, Hyperbaric Oxygen, Ozone, UV Blood Irradiation and other oxidative agents fight and kill cancer cells. Systemic support and autologous restorative factors promote healing, using our body’s resilience to regain optimum health.

What makes BioCare treatments so successful?

The BASIS of our program is to improve your body’s overall condition so that it can heal itself!

Cancer cells, for example, thrive because they are able to hide from your weak immune system. Most treatments fail when you don’t have a strong foundation that enhances your immune system. Your systems functions need to be rebalanced before beginning specific treatments you need to restore well-being.

Do you have a treatment for me?

To each patient, BioCare offers a personalized program of successive treatments tailored to restoring the body’s ability to detect and destroy that patient’s disease. We don’t use a “one-size-fits-all” approach to treatment. We combine the latest-up-to-date alternative treatments and conventional protocols from medical research and clinical experience to treat many forms of disease.

Integrative medicine at its best

Cancer Program: Cancer treatments for Breast, Gastrointestinal, Colon, Prostate, Ovarian, Lung, Skin, Lymphoma, Chronic Leukemia, Brain, Liver, Kidney, Pancreatic, and Esophagus. Learn More:

Degenerative Disease: Treatments for chronic degenerative disease; chronic infections: CFS, Lyme, and Hepatitis C; and auto-immune diseases: MS, Crohn’s, and arthritis. Learn More:

Restorative, Preventive & Anti-Aging Medicine: Weight loss, stem cells, plasma rich platelets, non-invasive cosmetic intervention, early diagnosis and risk assessment. Learn More:

The BioCare Treatment

Our round-the-clock immersive experience consists of therapies designed to detoxify the body and enhance the immune system, as well as a complete nutritional assessment, rest and exercise. All are focused on restoring the body’s best possible biological condition.

Keep in mind that fighting disease is a 24 hours per day activity. It is a full-time job and that is how we do it. After our 3-week-in-house—intensive programs, you will come out of BioCare Hospital feeling like a new person. You will be empowered by the knowledge of specific changes that you can implement in your life to continue on your path to better health.

The keys to success in our treatments:

1. Strict nutritional diets, hydration and the evaluation and restoration of intestinal health (gut microbiota), including an intensive supply of critical trace nutrients and vitamin supplements.

2. Identification and reduction of inflammation and inflammatory markers.

3. Removal of toxins and unnecessary immune burden.

4. Lifestyle changes that create a stress-free environment and a positive outlook.

5. Spiritual well-being.

It’s time for you to receive real healthcare from those who heal the Elite. Speak with International BioCare Hospital Before It’s Too Late!

Call International Bio Care Hospital and Wellness Center for a free consultation: US & Canada: 1-800-701-7345 Global: 1+ 619-309-2080


Download the International BioCare Hospital Brochure:

