04/07/2021 – Reaching a year that Chicago and the USA joined with worldwide lockdown, on April 7th at 6pm CST, VRAR Chicago explores The Next Evolution of Health, Wellness, and Fitness.
A significant challenge for many in quarantine is how it is impacting physical, psychological, and emotional health. Inactive lifestyles due to stay-at-home orders can lead to decline in health and wellness. Simple acts of standing and stretching can be immensely helpful for physical health in contrast to sitting. Meditation and access to therapy can have significant impacts on your mental health. Immersive Technologies have been crucial during the pandemic for providing more – socially distanced – opportunities for people to gain access to meditation, therapy, and fitness programs. Even just standing while VR fishing can have real impact for many while providing a relaxing, immersive experience. Continuing to de-stigmatize mental health as taboo, XR offers methods that individuals can actively pursue their own path for cognitive – as well as physical – health.
Join us Wednesday, April 7th, 2021 in Virbela as we discuss how immersive technology is taking on hugely important aspects of our health and wellness.
VirBela Host: Matthew Wren (Founder & CTO – VRAR Chicago)
Expert Panel:
Guy Weinberg (U.S. General Manager – PSIOUS)
Joannah Apelo (CEO, Founder – REALITY WELL)
Patrick B. McGrath, Ph.D. (Head of Clinical Services – NOCD)
Tyeron J Hammontree (Instructor & VR Director – CEDARS INTERNATIONAL)
Link to Event Page: https://vrarchicago.com/the-next-evolution-of-health-wellness-fitness/
Link to Slide Deck: https://slides.com/vrarchicago/vrar-chicago-the-next-evolution-of-health-wellness-fitness-2021
Thank you to:
Sponsors: 1871, VirBela
Community Partners: XR Women, IGDA Chicago, BUNDLAR, 2112, VR Motion Learning