The Nutritional Powerhouse You Didn’t Know About


  • Date seed powder can help regulate blood sugar levels, making it beneficial for diabetics
  • High in dietary fiber, date seed powder supports gut health and aids in weight management
  • Antioxidants in date seeds help protect cells from damage and may reduce the risk of heart disease

Dates, also known as khajur, are popular due to their energy-boosting effects (1). But have you ever considered whether the seed, which most of us toss, is as nutritious? Yes, it is, especially when made into a powder, which can assist regulate blood sugar levels.


Nutritive Value of Date Seeds

Date seeds are high in nutritional value, according to Sushma PS, chief nutritionist at Jindal Naturecure Institute. “Date palms or khajur have long been regarded as pleasant succulents with numerous health advantages. Their seeds are highly nutritious. Date seeds improve blood sugar levels (2). Components in the seeds may assist regulate glucose metabolism, making them potentially advantageous for people who have diabetes or are at risk of developing it,” Sushma explained.

Dr. Sangeeta Tiwari, clinical nutritionist at Artemis Hospitals, further mentioned that date palm seeds include a lot of dietary fiber, which is important for gut health. “This fibre promotes regularity, aids digestion, and can contribute to a feeling of fullness, potentially aiding weight management,” according to Tiwari.


Health Benefits of Date Seed Powder

Date seed powder consumption can lower blood glucose levels in hyperglycemic patients while not affecting the glycemic index in normal people. Sushma explained that dates are useful to diabetic patients.

Dr. Tiwari further stated that because date palm seeds are high in antioxidants, which combat free radicals in the body, they help protect cells from harm and may lower the risk of heart disease.


Precautions While Using Date Seeds

Dr. Tiwari stated that while date palm seeds have potential benefits, they should be consumed in moderation. Sushma advised to start using date seeds slowly and see how your body responds, especially if you are using the powder to potentially regulate blood sugar. “It’s wise to speak with a healthcare professional before making any dietary changes, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or are on medication,” Sushma was telling her.

How to Make Powder From Date Seeds?

What you need

  • Date seeds
  • Baking Sheet
  • Oven
  • Blender or coffee grinder
  • Airtight container


  • Save the date seeds after you’ve eaten the fruit. Wash them thoroughly to remove any remaining fruit meat.
  • After spreading the seeds out on a baking sheet and cleaning them, let them air dry for a few days. To prevent mold growth, ensure that they are properly dried.
  • Roast the seeds. Set the oven temperature to 200°C (390°F).
  • Place the seeds on a baking sheet and bake for about half an hour. “Roasting intensifies the flavour and facilitates grinding,” replied Sushma.
    Allow the roasted seeds to cool completely.
  • After the seeds cool, crush them into a fine powder with a blender or coffee grinder. “This could take a few minutes, depending on your equipment. If you have a significant quantity of seeds, you may need to ground them in batches,” Sushma explained.
  • Store date seed powder in an airtight container in a cold, dry location.

How to Use Date Seed Powder?

  • To add extra nutrition to smoothies, toss in a teaspoon of date seed powder.
  • When baking, mix the powder into baked goods like cookies, bread, and muffins.
  • As a coffee substitute: “Brew the powder just like coffee to make a nutty-flavored, caffeine-free beverage,” Sushma explained.


  1. Nutritional and functional properties of dates: a review
    (Al-Farsi MA, Lee CY. Nutritional and functional properties of dates: a review. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2008 Nov;48(10):877-87. doi: 10.1080/10408390701724264. PMID: 18949591.)

  2. Sukkari dates seed improves type-2 diabetes mellitus-induced memory impairment by reducing blood glucose levels and enhancing brain cholinergic transmission: In vivo and molecular modeling studies
    (Mani V, Arfeen M, Mohammed HA, Elsisi HA, Sajid S, Almogbel Y, Aldubayan M, Dhanasekaran M, Alhowail A. Sukkari dates seed improves type-2 diabetes mellitus-induced memory impairment by reducing blood glucose levels and enhancing brain cholinergic transmission: In vivo and molecular modeling studies. Saudi Pharm J. 2022 Jun;30(6):750-763. doi: 10.1016/j.jsps.2022.03.016. Epub 2022 Mar 29. PMID: 35812141; PMCID: PMC9257867.)


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