The Potential Benefits of Ganja | Is Marijuana Harmful | Medical Cannabis India History | Hindi |

In this video, we are revealing the truth of the ‘Ganja Conspiracy’ played by Britishers AND how did this sacred plant from our Ayurveda got defamed in the world? Is Marijuana beneficial/harmful to health?
Let’s dive into this super exciting topic to refresh your mind. Plz, SUBSCRIBE| LIKE| SHARE🙏😇

Indian Hemp is popularly known as ‘Ganja’, ‘Marijuana’, ‘Bhang’. This herb has bad popularity all around the world, but this wasn’t the case in ancient India.
In ancient Indian literature like Sushruta Samhita, Sharagandhar Samhita, Charak Samhita, Rasa Shatra’s even 2000-year-old ‘Atharvaveda’ itself evidently defines the glory of this magic plant called Cannabis.
The Cannabis or Hemp plant originally comes from the central or eastern part of Asia. India was the chief exporter of the Ganja plant and products its related products such as paper, fiber, clothes, sails, and ropes into the western world like Europe, America, and Africa.
The Portuguese were among the first European invaders to supply opium and ganja from India to China.
For thousands of years, ganja had been widely used by people in India to cure their regular pains like bruises, skin inflammation, bone fracture, stomachache, ear problem, etc. The Indian Hemp Drugs Commission Report, 1894 was published by the British government in India at that time. This law banned the day-to-day use of ganja in India, by doing this Britishers intended to sell their foreign origin products like liquor, cotton, medicines, and concrete. And Ganja was the biggest threat to these upcoming industries.
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