Rachelle Cannon is a national board-certified health and wellness coach. She served as a commissioned officer for the United States Coast Guard from 1996 to 2002. While in the Coast Guard, she served as a health promotion program manager. Cannon competes as an IFBB Pro Bodybuilder and Physique competitor and serves as a Wings of Strength ambassador. She earned a master of sport science degree in health and fitness management from the United States Sports Academy, a bachelor of science degree in political science from the United States Coast Guard Academy and became a certified physical fitness specialist, biomechanics of resistance training specialist, dietary guidance specialist and health promotion program director at The Cooper Institute. We discuss her upbringing, bodybuilding career, natural bodybuilding, the importance of health and fitness in minority communities, food deserts and more. #RachelleCannon #health #wellness #coach #UnitedStatesCoastGuard #CoastGuard #bodybuilder #bodybuilding #womensbodybuilding #muscle #muscles #professionalbodybuilder #professionalbodybuilding #probodybuilder #probodybuilding #fitness #physique #womensphysique #wingsofstrength #unitedstates #unitedstatesofamerica #unitedstatessportsacademy #science #exercise #exercising #UnitedStatesCoastGuardAcademy #physicalfitness #training #resistancetraining #dietary #TheCooperInstitute #Bristol #Connecticut #BristolConnecticut #WashingtonDC #DMV #DistrictofColumbia #Texas #California #NewYork #Hawaii #Virginia #Nevada #Arizona #Florida #Texas #NewJersey #NewHampshire #Montana #RhodeIsland #Pennsylvania #Massachusetts #Colorado #Wyoming #FairbanksAK #HonoluluHI #GreatFallsMT #LafayetteIN #PhoenixAZ #CheyenneWY #ScottsbluffNE #SanAngeloTX #SanDiegoCA #LubbockTX #CharlottesvilleVA #Bartlett #Jacksonville #LeagueCity