The Secret to Mental Wellness

The Secret to Mental Wellness: The Amare FundaMentals Pack Clinical Study

Amare Global’s Chief Science Officer Dr. Shawn Talbott and his team conducted a clinical study on this phenomenon regarding gut health. He discovered that we can feel a lot better (and lot less stressed!) if we improve and focus on our gut-brain axis.*

The comprehensive three-part system of gut-brain axis products that comes in the Amare FundaMentals Pack helps rebalance the gut. These cornerstone products: MentaBiotics (for the gut), MentaFocus (for the brain) and MentaSync (for the axis), are specifically designed to support optimal mental wellness.*

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Results may vary.
Various studies have suggested benefits following daily consumption of the key ingredients in the Amare FundaMentals Pack. Refer to product labels and for more information.
