THE WASH DAILY with Joey SLLiks CANNABIS NEWS REPORT hemp hoax Greatest Scientific Fraud last100 yrs

Monday December 7 2020
In today’s report:

Marijuana Prohibition Is The Greatest Scientific Fraud Of The Last Century

The government’s budget is a political statement about what we value as a society,” says Daniel Mallinson, a cannabis policy researcher at Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg, who reviewed the funding analysis provided to Science by the consultant who conducted it. “The fact that most of the cannabis money is going to drug abuse and probably to cannabis use disorder versus medical purposes—that says something.”

A new analysis of cannabis research funding in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom has found that $1.56 billion was directed to the topic between 2000 and 2018 Just over $1 billion came from the biggest funder, the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), which doled out far more money to research cannabis misuse and its negative effects than on using cannabis and cannabis-derived chemicals as a therapeutic drug.  

Meanwhile back in the “real world” the American people, who are the target of the prohibitionist propaganda that they are forced to fund, have been voting overwhelmingly against the government’s policies. The people know that they have been lied to.   

I remember a cartoon from many years ago. A boy is looking skeptically at his breakfast and says to his mother: “You lied to us about marijuanxa. How do we know you aren’t lying to us about granola?”   

Scientific credibility is a terrible thing to waste

  Richard Cowan is a former NORML National Director author of the Marijuana, Hemp & CBD Weekly News. ppl

New Jersey lawmakers agree on recreational marijuana legalization bill

“ .”Legislative leaders and New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy said they agreed on a compromise to establish the state’s recreational marijuana market, and a vote on the implementation bill is expected Dec. 17.

The compromise includes these points, according to

The compromise includes these points, according to

Only up to 37 cultivation licenses will be issued during the first two years of the adult-use program. The exception is microlicenses to businesses with 10 or fewer employees.
70% of the sales tax revenue as well as revenue from a grower tax will be committed to programs aiding communities and individuals disproportionately affected by the war on drugs. The programs will include mentoring, legal aid and health care.

Lawmaker Files Complaint Over Democrat’s Marijuana Mask Worn During House Legalization Debate

 “Legality aside, it’s unbecoming for a House member to wear clothing that promotes the use of any recreational drugs on the House floor,’ Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) wrote in a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). “It’s a clear violation of the House’s Code of Conduct which prohibits all behavior that does not, ‘reflect creditably on the House.’”

Whether or not members’ dress is appropriate is decided by the Speaker,” Banks acknowledged in his letter to Pelosi, first reported by the Daily Caller, but he added that the “best solution is likely a blanket ban on stylized facemasks.”

Blumenauer hit back at Banks’s complaint in a statement to Marijuana Moment.

“We’ve got a blatantly discriminatory drug policy. We’ve got a pandemic, during which Republicans have done nothing to help families and small businesses that are desperate,” he said. “And they’re worried about a pattern on a mask? Get a grip.”

While House rules prohibit wearing campaign materials on the chamber floor—part of a prohibition on the use of official government resources for campaign purposes—the argument that Blumenauer’s mask was off limits is a farther reach. The mask didn’t specifically reference the legalization bill, nor does it necessarily depict illegal drugs. The only difference between marijuana and its virtually identical cannabis cousin hemp, which Congress federally legalized in 2018, is the amount of THC in the plant.

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) famously signed the hemp legalization bill with a pen made from cannabis. A year later, he proudly showed off the hemp pen in a video celebrating the newly legal industry.
Earl Bluemanhauer lettee

