This Week in Cannabis News – July 1 to July 7 2024

This news is NOT investment advice. It’s for educational/informational purposes only.
Last Week in Cannabis News:
CL & AYR Q1 –

** A US industry truly changing the status quo for the better! Reducing ODs, addiction and the opioid epidemic’s effects where access to a safer, non addictive medicinal alternative is legal. **

Updated 2023/2024 Positions: 2815 AYR at $3.11 CAD / 11000 CBST @ $0.46 CAD
Data on Med Benefits:
Past Gov Studies Looking for Harms:

General Updates – 00:45 – MD Sales Hit $1.1B in 1 Year – 1:24 – MD “Generating Extraordinary Economic Activity” – 2:10 – NM June Sales – 2:49 – IL June AU Sales – 3:30 – OH: Still Waiting…
4:35 – FL Odds Looking Good, Trump Oughta Support It – 5:25 – Tax Recap – Legal Cannabis Works
6:02 – Stage Finally Set for Senate to Pass Something? Probably Not – 7:00 – Chevron Speculation
8:02 – July 1: Fed Court Dismisses Boies Case – 8:35 – But Paves Way for SCOTUS? – 9:15 – July 4:
Lawyers Appealing, Next Stop US Court of Appeals – 9:35 – Can This Lead to More Delays Though?
10:05 – Chevron Gone: DEA’s reasons for keeping canna in CSA even are now indefensible?…
11:18 – TDR: Interview with Eric Berlin on Chevron Speculation: Hearing’s Not Looking Likely ATM
13:00 – CBD and Hand Osteoarthritis – 13:45 – Can Cannabis Decrease Diabetes Risk? Interesting
14:30 – New Poll: Why People Use Cannabis – 15:47 – GreenThumb Q2 Coming Aug 5 After Market
16:05 – Ayr Wellness Q2 Coming Aug 7 Before Market – 16:17 – VRNO Q2 Coming Aug 7 Before Market
16:26 – Curaleaf Q2 Coming Aug 7 After Market -16:46 – Trulieve Opens 3 Shops This Week, 2 Stories
17:10 – TDR: SG&A Margin Explained with MSO Examples – 19:10 – More Speculation from GWA
21:25 – Med Makes in on Nov Ballot in NE – 21:58 – Update from Germany, Prescriptions Booming
24:50 – A Trip Down Memory Lane, The Stage is Set Yet Again and MSOs are Now Twice the Size…
26:08 – Curaleaf Q2 2020 Highlights – 26:46 – GreenThumb Q2 2020 Highlights, – 27:02 – Cresco Labs Q2 2020 Highlights – 27:25 – Trulieve Q2 2020 Highlights – 27:50 – Will 280E Removal Be The 2024 Version of 2020 Stimulus Checks? When 280E goes, a lot of new profit will arise out of thin air
