This Week in Cannabis News – March 4 to March 10 2024

This news is NOT investment advice. It’s for educational/informational purposes only.
Last Week in Cannabis:
Verano, Green Thumb, Trulieve & Curaleaf Q3:
Cresco Labs, Columbia Care, Ayr Wellness Q3 –

Updated 2023/2024 Positions: 2395 AYR at $3.23 CAD / 6790 CBST @ $0.53 CAD (+ 2369)
Sent more $$ to my TFSA for next week, will try & get Ayr down to $3.00 & CBST down to $0.50

Data on Med Benefits:
Past Gov Studies Looking for Harms:

Intro – 00:50 – Biden’s Most Popular Tweet to Date – 1:26 – Sources Expecting SOTU Canna Reference
1:58 – SOTU Summary via GMR – 2:20 – 13 Second Clip from SOTU; Cabinet to Review Classification
3:12 – OH the Irony, DEA Saving the Canna Industry in the End? – 4:10 – Don Murphy on Sched 3 Now
5:00 – Possible SAFER Timeline (It’d Be Nice Schmuck) – 5:55 – NYT Reporter: First Half of 2024…
6:42 – Schmuck talking SAFER again – Empty Promises Since 2018 But Will This Time Be Different?

Studies – 7:23 – Cannabis Users Walk More, Challenging Lazy Stereotypes – 8:07 – 79% of Americans
9:02 – Use Increasing in Older Adults as Becomes More Normalized – 9:40 – Canna & Gut Health
10:24 – Are Canadians Swapping Alcohol for Weed – YES! – 11:20 – Not Canna Related but US Related
12:40 – Canna & Psychosis – No Causal Factor so Far & Study Needs More Diverse Sample Group lol

Canna Finance – 13:45 – Massive Short Covering on CAD Exchanges – 14:05 – Doug Kass Bullish Now
15:20 – Green Thumb Industries Earnings – 15:26 – Cannavestments GTI Deep dive 16:04 – Trulieve Earnings – 16:10 – Cannavestments Trulieve Deep dive – 16:37 – Trulieve Opens 2nd Express Shop
17:10 – Curaleaf Earnings – 17:28 – Cannavestments Curaleaf Deep dive – 18:02 – Verano Earnings
18:15 – Cannavestments Verano Deep dive – 18:40 – Ayr Wellness Celebrates Relocation in FL
19:05 – GMR: 280 Not Killing All Cannabis Companies.. Still Need It Gone – 20:26 – Levers & Catalysts
21:14 – BDSA’s Newest Global Canna Sales Predictions lol – 21:44 – Barron’s on US Canna prices

State Sales & Updates – 22:24 – WeedCFO: JAN Sales YoY from BDSA – 23:25 – NM Feb 2024 Sales
24:05 – Waiting on IL’s Feb Sales – 24:17 – FL OMMU Past Week, Visuals via
25:15 – CBS Talking Big Game About FL 2024 Ballot, Writer Needs to Proofread Before Publishing
26:58 – VA Update, Bill Will Become Law in 30 Days? We shall see but No Market till 2025 though
27:45 – MO Opens 2nd Round of Microbusiness Applications to Increase Legal Supply
28:15 – Now FDA Wants to Regulate CBD? – 29:05 – Snippet From SMG Investors Conference; From the Sounds of It, Bottom is in and just waiting on the DEA to start the races again… Ready, Set…

All Sources Linked Below in the Comments, Ran Out of Characters to Include Sources As Usual
