Three Questions to Ask Yourself On Your Anxiety Recovery Journey

The anxiety recovery journey can be confusing, irritating, and can even lead to depressive episodes at times. In today’s episode we’re diving deep into 3 very important questions that you must ask yourself today in relation to your personal healing journey. Please enjoy (show notes below).

Show notes for this episode

Your anxiety recovery journey requires self-willingness and persistent determination. In this new episode, I explore three vital questions that will help your anxiety to subside and eventual heal from it.

The first question is on what you really want. Ask yourself this question and closely examine the response you will get from both the subconscious and conscious minds. Afterwards, ask yourself if you truly deserve it. This is an interesting question as often you will get contradicting answers from the subconscious and conscious minds.

Pay close attention to get the right answer to this question. The third and final question is whether you are capable of getting it. In this third question, you have to examine the skillsets you have in order to heal from anxiety.

This episode is for everyone struggling with anxiety and is uncertain of whether they can heal from it. By asking yourself these questions, you set yourself on the right path on this anxiety recovery journey.

Tune into the podcast episode above to get the full details.

Episode Outline
[00:00] Episode intro
[01:00] Self-destructive questions
[02:09] Question one: What do you want?
[03:08] using your imagination to channel your anxiety
[04:37] Question two: Do I deserve to have it?
[04:52] How to reach the subconscious mind
[06:58] Question three: Am I capable of getting it?
[07:26] Three components of healing anxiety
[09:35] Question recap
[10:56] Becoming more present and aware
[13:20] Episode wrap up
[13:56] The end


“When I’m thinking about questions, I’m not thinking about the kind of questions I used to ask myself when I was suffering and within an anxiety identity, I used to ask myself questions like, why is this symptom here? How long? Is this anxiety going to be here my whole life? Those sorts of questions keep you in a vibration of lack, anxiety, and subconscious and conscious fear.”

“Let me tell you something, that is too general for the universe and the inner child to understand. So if you say I just want to heal anxiety, then you know what, you’re always going to be asking yourself that same question and getting the same answer. When you ask yourself, what do I want? You want to get specific. What would it look like through your five senses? Through your five senses, when you have healed what it is you want to heal. What will you see? within you? What will you hear? What will you feel? What will you smell? What will you taste? You know, these are the specific kinds of language that your subconscious mind does understand.”

“Often, it is mentioned that we must get very specific in what we want to manifest, say, financial freedom or other lifestyle components, right? However, this universal law doesn’t change for anxiety, you must have a very clear picture of what that end goal looks like and see it every single day through your inner eye. Not only see it but you have to feed it daily in whichever ways your intuition is telling you is best. So yes, we see it. But we also want to feed it every day.”

“Just don’t fall for its (inner child) interpretations of an event and what direction this world is going. Because if you allow the inner child subconscious mind to direct your thinking, then you’re no different than your inner child.”

“There are three components to the healing of anxiety. I’ve narrowed it down. Number one is the proper mindset in terms of how you approach the anxiety daily. Number two, is the emotional reframing, we use emotional reframing techniques to clean up the past in order to present safety to the mind body in the present. So there’s the reframing aspect. And number three is the responding, how we respond in the face of fear along this anxiety recovery journey.”

“it’s the subconscious mind that limits our ability to see this limitlessness through initial feelings, bodily symptoms, and reminders of the past. And it’s the conscious mind that tends to build on these doubts.”

As mentioned at the end of this episode, I want to kickstart your consciousness into becoming progressively more aware of the differences between your subconscious and conscious minds. The difference is massive as they both have different jobs. However, one will keep you stuck in the past while the other is a component towards creating your future.

Your anxiety recovery journey is yours to command, yours to lead, so lead with certainty that your healing is inevitable.

This episode of the anxiety guy podcast has been brought to you by the best health anxiety program available online today. If you’re done with managing your anxiety symptoms and simply confused of how to go about your health anxiety healing, begin the health anxiety program today.

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