Tips For Starting A Career As A Personal Trainer

If you are planning on becoming a personal trainer to guide people and help them reach their fitness goals, there are a lot of things you need to consider. In recent years, more and more people are looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle than ever before, so there are lots of folks looking to employ a personal trainer to help them out. But there is more to it than just showing them how to hit their targets.

Being able to communicate properly with different individuals is key to becoming a top personal trainer. Being able to support their clients through their journey will help them make progress. You will want to be able to combine a variety of skills to give your clients an effective service. If you are able to manage this, there is no reason why you can’t become a successful personal trainer. The best in the business have a fantastic reputation amongst their clients. Word of mouth is vital in the industry, and reputable personal trainers often have a waiting list of people who want to use their service.

How Do I Become A Personal Trainer?

There are a lot of courses that you can do to get a certificate that allows you to become a qualified personal trainer, however, there seem to be a lot of people training others without holding any qualifications whatsoever. Although potential clients may ask to see your qualifications, the majority won’t, but they might ask questions on how you started the job.

The more recognized qualifications you have, the closer you are to becoming a personal trainer. However, there is much more to training people than just qualifying as a PT. Being able to keep your clients motivated is a very important part of your job. If you are able to keep them focused on their goals, they will keep on using your service and your client base will start to grow. Being able to develop your customers will help them succeed. If your clients want to get results, you will have to work with them on a regular basis. Before taking on paying customers, you should train your friends and family members for free first, or consider taking on someone you don’t know. This will prepare you to take on a paying client in the future.

How Important Is It To Communicate With Your Client?

One of the most important roles of a personal trainer is to be able to listen to their clients. You must find out exactly why they are hiring you, and what they hope to achieve. Before you begin training them, sit down with them and discuss with them their goals. Setting goals is important because it gives them a target to aim for.

Some clients think that their personal trainer will do all the work for them, but they have to be self motivated if they want to make progress. Although you can guide them along their journey, they have to put in the effort themselves if they want to succeed. Create a customized exercise and diet plan for each client, and don’t be afraid to ask them for their help. For example, if your client enjoys running, you can encourage them to spend more time running on a treadmill. Ask if they have employed a personal trainer in the past, and why they are not hiring them at the moment. This will give you a good insight on what to do, and what not to do in the future with different clients.

What Is Your Client’s Background?

Find out if your client has sustained any injuries in the past before coming up with a routine. If they have injured their knee, you will want them to avoid using equipment that could make the injury worse, such as a leg press. They might have underlying health conditions such as asthma that you will want to know about. If your client gives you private information in confidence, make sure that you keep it to yourself.

Learning about their exercising background will help you a lot. If they are into certain sports, or they enjoy working out on certain machines, this information can help you create a workout plan for them.

If your client feels that you are listening to them, it will help build trust. If both the trainer and the client trust each other, there is a strong possibility that both are on a path to success.

Personal Trainers Should Take Advantage Of Modern Technology

We have a lot of modern technology readily available that can help personal trainers take their careers to the next level. There is personal trainer software designed to keep track of the trainer’s client’s progress that can prove highly beneficial. These easy-to-use software packages make storing and organizing their client’s information a walk in the park. During the early days of your career, you might be able to keep on top of each of your client’s information by remembering it in your head, but as soon as your client base increases, remembering details about each one won’t be easy.

You should securely store each of your client’s progress on a smart device or a computer from the first day of your career. This will allow you and your client to understand how their progress is going, and it can help them figure out where they are going wrong, and what works for them.

Network with other Successful Trainers

Unlike a lot of other industries, you might find that other personal trainers are willing to help out their competitors. There are often so many people looking to hire a personal trainer, that most trainers aren’t worried about competition. Before you meet with them, consider writing down a list of questions that you want to ask them.

Ask them if you can join them while they are training one of their clients. This will help you understand how to speak with your customers, and how to coach them throughout the process.

Down the line, if you have made connections with other trainers who have too many clients, they might recommend your service to those who they can’t take on board. Make sure you have professional business cards made, and that you have a social media account promoting your service.


A lot of folks dream of becoming a personal trainer, but just like any other job, it takes a lot of hard work and dedication. You have to be able to give your clients honest feedback, even if you think it might hurt their feelings.

Before taking on clients of your own, it might be a good idea to get a job working in a gym first. Working in a gym will help you understand how the business operates, and it will give you a chance to deal with customers on a day-to-day basis.

Although it is important to take care of your client’s, you must keep on top of your own lifestyle too. Customers won’t take you seriously unless you maintain a healthy lifestyle, so make sure you make time to exercise and focus on maintaining a healthy diet. Some trainers work out alongside their clients to keep them motivated.

*collaborative post

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