TWIST Lecture: "A Journey to Nutrition, Health and Wellness" by Peter Brabeck-Letmathe

In his TWIST Lecture on January 18, 2018, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Chairman Emeritus of Nestlé S.A. took us on a journey to nutrition, health and wellness. As nutrition is too complex for any single actor to address it in its entirety, a combined effort of all stakeholders is a necessity.

Born in 1944 in Austria, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe graduated from the University of World Trade in Vienna with a degree in Economics. After joining the Nestlé Group in 1968, he spent a significant part of his career in Latin America, before being transferred to Nestlé’s International Headquarter in Vevey as Senior Vice-President. Appointed Executive Vice-President as of 1992 and Member of the Executive Board, he was in charge of the Strategic Business Units, Marketing & Sales, as well as Corporate Communications. From 1997 to 2008, he led the Nestlé Group, first as CEO till 2005, and then as Chairman and CEO. In April 2008, he handed over the office of CEO and remained Chairman of the Board of Nestlé S.A. In 2017, he was appointed Chairman Emeritus of Nestlé S.A.

TWIST Lectures and Talks are intended to foster exchange between industry, startups, IST Austria, and a broader research community.
