Uncovering Untruths😲: U. S. Gov. Claims Cannabis "Non Therapeutic" 🤔Produces 4 Pharmaceuticals🤯

*** I am not a Doctor, I am.not a scientist. I am a well educated cannaseur and cannabis communicator who wants to reveal the truth about cannabis and its benefits. I do not condone the use of any substance against Gederal Regulatoon save states where State governments have Determined Cannabis is legal or decriminalized.
*** K2 Spice is a Horrible Derivation of Substances made to mimic synthetic cannabinoids created for intense experimentation most recently initially by the FDA. I do not condone its use and it is not cannabis or have any benefits thereof. I am not using spice as comparable to cannabis for legalization or its recreational or medicinal use. I am saying it is a perfect example.of over reaction of federal agencies in a prohibition mindset leading to the inherent extremification that derives from illegality of a scoietally desired substance.
*** 21+ / 18+ content depending on your state, 21+ in my state. Below are articles from federal agencies & Research institutes to validate the claims I make herein.

The United States has a number of Federally Regulated Agencies that have actively battled against the research of cannabis. The FDA, DEA, NIH and other agencies have have actively told Untruths and manipulated the reality of cannabis and prevented its legalization. The FDA spent 20 years alongside the DEA fighting Dr Lyle Cracker & Collegues refusing to give them allowance to study the cannabis they were seeing used across the country.
A schedule 1 substance is one that supposedly has no medical therapeutic viability and also leads to dependency through the heightened risk of diversion from prescribed use & abuse.
This discovery was then overheard across the country by a small girl, the daughter if a little family, who suffered severe seizures from a brain disorder. Her parents knew that cannabis was helping their little girl. They also knew that they didn’t want their child.absolutely stoned all day, this led them to seek put weaker potencycannabis, and eventualy this line of thinking stopped at CBD.
When this family sought out the brothers, they took on developing a CBD dominant strain of cannabis that came to be known world wide, Charolettes Web. The tincture made from this plant quelled the seizure activity of children as young as babies, and there was no reason for concern that exissts with chemically constituted pharmaceuticals, this was as natural as seizure treatment had ever been.
At this point, in 2023 head shops sell Delta 8 THC cannabis, also known as PGR weed, which also can be connected back to the FDA. The FDA has created multiple pharmaceuticals based on synthetic cannabinoids far more dangerous than the naturally occurring Delta 8. Delta 8 as well as Delta 10, HHC THC, THCP,THCO all exists naturally in cannabis. the reason they’re classified as synthetics is because they can be found in cannabis but not in levels hugh enough to be extracted. ergo they are created in a lab. synthetic.
















