Understanding & Assessing Mental Health Resources — UndocuThrive with/out DACA Webinar Series

Learn how to access mental health resources available to the undocumented community!

The UndocuThrive with/out DACA series is designed to prepare our entire community— including those with DACA and those without it—for the future. Throughout the series, we will share information and resources that will help you better understand the legal, educational, mental health, and entrepreneurial opportunities at your disposal. There is so much that is out of our control, but there are also many ways we can assert agency over our lives and take back our power!

Presenters: Dani Amador (Mental Health Coordinator, Immigrants Rising), Mayra Barragan-O’Brien (Founder, UndocuMental Health), Rocío Preciado (Leadership & Partnership Manager, Immigrants Rising)

Founded in 2006, Immigrants Rising transforms individuals and fuels broader changes. With resources and support, undocumented young people are able to get an education, pursue careers, and build a brighter future for themselves and their community.

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