UNFILTERED • More Cannabis Shops in Fresno?

Did Pinedale Residents Convince Planning Commission to Block Cannabis Store? WATCH and find out! But first, Reedley City Manager Nicole Zieba will talk about her after-hours adventures in her hill-hopping 4X4.
Our special guest, CEO Embarc, Lauren Carpenter, will share her insights on the topic and her trials of opening a cannabis store. Linda Amparano and Lori Garcia from Pinedale Matters will provide the neighborhood’s viewpoint. In addition, Flindt Andersen, CEO of New Perceptions North Drug and Alcohol Treatment, will also offer his thoughts. For more top stories, visit https://www.GVWire.com
Related Stories:
Pinedale Residents Convince Planning Commission to Block Cannabis Store
Proposed Cannabis Shop Sharply Divides the Pinedale Community

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