💓Magical Mumtaz for USA Divine Souls💓
We dedicate this channel to the divine and kind people of the USA. Love you all!
Listen, Understand & Ascend towards Divine Light
✅ Dear USA Divine Soul Friends,
🛑 Healing Heaven Global a Platform for Powerful Advanced Intensive Spiritual Soul & Karmic Healing🛑
💓💎🌈# No.1 Spiritual Soul & Karmic Healing Center in the World #🌈 💎💓
1️⃣ R U suffering with negative energy / negative thought / negative parasite problem, Unwanted Black Magic Energy disturbance?
2️⃣ R U suffering with Physical & Emotional Health Issues like Diabetes, Thyroid, Heart Blocks, Cancer, Low/High BP, Chronic Backache, Hyperacidity, Brain Stroke, Headache, Depression, Anxiety, Addiction, Mental Harassment, Tension, Fear, Sleeplessness etc.?
3️⃣R U having relationship challenges to deal with which are beyond your abilities to handle?
4️⃣R U suffering with Money Blockages and No proper Job or Business failure, Money Curse, Property Lose etc?
✅📣✅ FREE WEBINAR (40 Minutes): https://healingheavenglobal.com/powerful-workshop1
🛑ASPECT 01: Removing Negative Energies, Aura Energizing, Enhancing& Deep-Rooted Spinal Cord Cleansing: https://healingheavenglobal.exlyapp.com/3091d721-aece-4ff3-a42c-6b698652851f
🛑ASPECT 02: Health & Wellness: Removal Of Negative Energies & Most Powerful Self Corrective Healing: https://healingheavenglobal.exlyapp.com/c2b14cd5-ba3d-4211-b247-2bf97f0ce455
🛑ASPECT 03: Removing Negative Energies, Aura Energizing & Powerful Relationship-Release Karmic Healing: https://healingheavenglobal.exlyapp.com/67b39788-022e-4884-815d-13e35ed3080d
🛑ASPECT 04: Removing Negative Energies, Aura Energizing & Powerful Money Curse Karmic Healing https://healingheavenglobal.exlyapp.com/565f68ed-2c05-465d-861e-294583ccdd25
🛑ASPECT ALL (1, 2, 3 & 4): Powerful Advanced Intensive Effective Spiritual Soul & Karmic Healing Workshop: https://healingheavenglobal.exlyapp.com/c6fecef8-35c6-4b20-b2d0-ab5bb22bce2f
🛑DIVINE EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM: Convert Negativity into Positivity Just in 11 Days: https://healingheavenglobal.exlyapp.com/ea3a4996-da21-4408-a8ea-9a5b4b243bd3
✅Healing Heaven Global is a platform for our divine soul and karmic healing. We have conducted very powerful, advanced, intensive, and effective spiritual soul and karmic healing workshops for the last 20 years.
✅The majority of humanity faces challenges in each of the four aspects of life as mentioned. There are three levels to our bodies: the physical, astral, and casual. When we cleanse or heal our astral body, we eliminate most of our life’s issues.
✅With the assistance of divine beings and Mumtaz God-Gifted Healer, has created wonderful divinely blessed techniques that provide solutions to all life’s problems under one roof. These techniques aim to maintain and sustain life’s force, fostering more positivity and a stronger connection with the Divine Higher Beings, ultimately leading to a happier, healthier, and better lifestyle.
💎”We are the spiritual doctors and healers for ourselves and our family”💎
Yes, when we say this slogan, we mean 100% authenticity and guaranteed results according to the faith and trust one has in spiritual healing, which is most effective and result-oriented. If you are ready to heal from the depths of your heart to the level of your soul, this workshop will transform your life.
A Platform to KNOW the UNKNOWN and to SEE the UNSEEN – Astral Level Healing can CURE your ROOTS
Connection & Balancing of Your 3 Bodies Physical, Astral & Causal can Change Your Life to Happiness & Success
Yes, Teachers can Teach and Inform BUT the Masters can Transform Life. This is exactly what we do in the workshop with Dynamic Self-Realization Divine Techniques to Bring your REAL U from the DIVINE YOU
💫💓Keep Shining 💓💫
Thank you and be blessed with lots of love and light from the Higher Dimensions🙏🏻🪄😇🙏🏻
Mumtaz God-Gifted Healer
WTS: +91 9930921900
Email: healingheavenglobal@gmail.com
Web: https://healingheavenglobal.com/powerful-workshop1
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