Webinar: Anti-Inflammatory Dietary Reset Talk (8 Nov)

Are you in a ‘lockdown’ rut?

Do you want to re-invigorate your health, and ‘reset’ prior to the holidays?

8th November 2021

Are you curious about how much food plays into your signs and symptoms?

Spend the month before the holiday’s doing an Anti-Inflammatory Dietary Reset.

Leading Functional Medicine practitioner Jennifer Lewin, LAc (USA), will present a webinar which introduces one of her foundational nutritional programs: an Anti-Inflammatory Dietary Reset.

The webinar will go through the benefits of, and how to implement this Reset program. This program will kick start both your detox and immune system and make them stronger, so you will be able to move through the holiday season starting from a place of more optimal health.

The program is ideally done for 30 days to achieve optimal benefits, but it can be modified into a shorter time frame.

This ‘Reset’ program helps to:

• Reset the way that you eat

• Change the relationship that you have with food

• Lose weight

• Improve your detoxification and immune systems

• Control inflammatory conditions

• Balance your hormones

• Improve your digestion

• Improve your energy, sleep, and mood

• Maximize the nutrients that you get from food

Jennifer brings together a unique mix of Functional Medicine, East-Asian Medicine, Herbal Medicine, Manual Therapy, and Nutritional Wellness. With over 20 years of clinical experience, Jennifer has helped many adults and children use a whole food, nutrient dense, anti-inflammatory dietary program, along with a Functional Medicine approach to regain their health and wellness naturally.
