WEBINAR: Mental Health for Remote Workers – Supporting Employees and One Another

The surge in remote work due to COVID-19 has come with new and unique challenges, whether that is being inside all day and balancing work and children or being alone and unable to socialize outside your home or apartment. Employers must now quickly adapt to the emerging and changing needs of their employees in the remote work environment. But, with so much investment in in-person workplace wellbeing, what does a mentally healthy remote workplace look like? How can organizational leaders create a supportive environment and make sure to connect people with needed resources?

Join this free, 60-minute webinar where we will discuss:
• The impact of COVID-19 and remote work on employees;
• Signs that your remote employees are struggling; and
• Practical ways employers can support employee mental health

A copy of the slides is available for download here: https://www.mhanational.org/events/mental-health-remote-workers-supporting-employees-and-one-another

Dr. Keita Franklin is the Chief Clinical Officer at Psych Hub. She has focused her expertise in key wellness areas to include suicide prevention, mental health, and substance abuse. Dr. Franklin has spent her 25-year career driving complex organizational and policy change in the federal sector before recently transitioning to the private sector.

Dr. Doreen Marshall is the VP of Mission Engagement at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and has been engaged in local and national suicide prevention work for more than 10 years. Since joining AFSP in 2014, Dr. Marshall has expanded AFSP’s menu of education programs for both clinicians and general audiences, and revamped the infrastructure to improve program delivery through a nationwide network of chapters. She is also leading a new initiative to develop programs for people who have suffered from suicidal thinking or who have survived a suicide attempt. Marshall fosters partnerships with mental health organizations, such as with the National Council for Behavioral Health to train people across the country in Mental Health First Aid, and oversees the development of new programming, including clinician trainings in Attachment-Based Family Therapy and K-12 educator trainings, such as the Signs Matter program.

This webinar was originally conducted on April 19, 2020.
