Wellness 101 Show – How to Deal with Stubborn Children

And now it’s time for another Wellness 101…How to Deal with Stubborn Children…presented by St. Luke’s University Health Network.

Hey guys…Mr. Wellness here and today we are talking about the stubbornness of our children. From an outsider’s perspective…it can be easy to be judgmental when witnessing a parent/child meltdown…but the truth is…we’ve all been there. For some of us…dealing with a difficult child unfortunately happens more frequently than others. But fear not my frustrated friends…Wellness 101 is here to help

STEP ONE: Take Care of Yourself
Please listen carefully when I say this…you are no good to others…if you are not good to go yourself…that’s a stone-cold fact! Remember…your child feeds off your behavior and remaining calm is critical…even in the toughest of situations. If you’re tired, overworked or hungry, your ability to handle the stress of an unruly child will nosedive dramatically and can make “keeping calm” almost impossible. It’s important to make sure you eat healthy, get enough rest, and manage your stress levels with exercise and mindfulness practices to ensure you are at your best for both you…and your child

STEP TWO: Routine
Like it or not…children thrive on routine. Having a routine can bring your child a sense of comfort and normalcy which will decrease those outbursts of anger and frustration. Some examples of good routines include getting ready in the morning, bath-time, and bedtime. If your child knows what to expect day in and day out…they will be less likely to stray from the program.

STEP THREE: Take Preventative Measures
Use the knowledge you’ve gained from your child’s previous meltdowns to predict and avoid future blowups. If you know you’re little one is grumpy or tired…then it’s probably not the best time to make that run to the store. The point is…try to get your child to do the things you want them to do when they are most energetic and in a good mood to avoid confrontations.

But if you need to go somewhere, and you must bring your child, bring items that could help if a meltdown arises, like a snack, a toy, or even a tablet. We gotta go do what we gotta do.

STEP FOUR: Get Some Space
If your child’s behavior has gotten you so frustrated that you feel like you’re going to explode…it’s time to get some space. Most feelings of frustration last about 90 seconds once you’ve removed yourself from the situation. It’s much easier to parent when you are calm and focused. This will also stop you from saying things you don’t mean out of frustration. Just make sure your child is in a safe place before you take your break…otherwise your liable to come back to an even bigger mess if you’re not careful.

STEP FIVE: Appropriate Consequences
When our children break important rules like hurting others or disregarding their own safety, it is our responsibility to instill consequences to hinder them from repeating the behavior. However, choosing appropriate consequences in the heat of the moment is certainly not easy. Know in advance what works like a time out, push-ups, or restricted screen-time privileges – but regardless of what you choose…be consistent and do not break…no matter what…or your child’s behavioral issues will continue.

Folks…bottom line – there are no concrete rules when it comes to raising kids. And every child is different. If anyone knows their child best, it’s you. However, if their behavior feels like it’s beyond your scope and you are still having a difficult time getting through to your willful tike, don’t be afraid to each out to your St. Luke’s pediatrician who can help your child get the extra help and treatment they need. Raising kids takes a village…and St. Luke’s is here to be a part of yours. Don’t forget to smash that like button and subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more Wellness 101!
