Wellness Programs Don't Seem to Work as Advertised

The latest Kaiser Family Foundation survey on employer sponsored health insurance focused on the fact that growth in premiums in 2013 was as low as it has ever been in the 16 years of the survey. And that’s awesome. Health insurance premiums have been rising more quickly than we’d like for a long time. But buried in the details of the report were some interesting insights into how employers think about controlling health care costs. One example is that they’re very fond of workplace wellness programs. This is surprising, because while such programs sound great, research shows they rarely work as advertised. Watch and learn!

This episode is adapted from Aaron’s and Austin’s NYT piece on the topic. References can be found in the links there: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/12/upshot/do-workplace-wellness-programs-work-usually-not.html

John Green — Executive Producer
Stan Muller — Director, Producer
Aaron Carroll — Writer
Mark Olsen — Graphics

