Wellness Wednesady w/Dr. Lindsey Bone Health

Not sure what’s right for you or your bone health? Listen, learn, share!!
Reach out today 380-712-3700. USA and Canada
Bone Health
* Weight bearing exercise
* Plenty of veggies and protein
* Avoid low calorie diets
* Hormone replacement therapy post menopause or manopause
* Calcium- dairy, seafood, oat milk, almond milk, greens, dried fruit, tofu
* Vitamin D- sun, fish, liver, cheese
* Vitamin K- fermented foods, sauerkraut, eggs, meat
* Magnesium-dark chocolate, tofu, avocados, nuts, legumes
* Zinc-beef, shrimp, spinach, flaxseed,
* Phosphorus-protein foods- meat, legumes
* Omegas-fish, shrimp
#bonehealth #bonedensity #calcium #vitamind #vitamink #magnesium #phosphorus #zinc #omegas
