How much protein do you need in a day?
According to the FDA the average adult in the United States requires approximately 50 grams of protein daily. However, this figure is not one-size-fits-all; it varies based on age, gender, overall health, and activity levels.
You might need more protein than the average Joe if you’re always on the move, an older adult (greater than 50), or recovering from an injury. Skipping out on the right amount of protein can affect your weight management, muscle preservation, mood, and even injury prevention.
We’ve compiled a list of high-protein foods to make it easier for you to hit your protein targets and feel your best. Consider these as your starting points to get 30 grams of protein each meal effortlessly.
Do you need help determining whether you meet your protein and nutritional requirements? Send us a DM or type ‘ME’ for a complimentary 15-minute nutrition strategy session. We’ve got your back! 😊🥦💪
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